Ridgewood Heights

Here is a list of all the homes for sale in Ridgewood Heights. This includes homes with the address Ridgewood, Wildwood, Edgewood, and Coachwood. There are 537 homes in Ridgewood Heights, and some of these homes have great coulee views. Many people enjoy walking in the coulees from their homes in this area. Homes can range anywhere from just under $300,000 to over a million dollars. Ridgewood Park has recently been renovated as well. Ridgewood is in a great location in West Lethbridge, as you have easy access to both Whoop-Up Drive, and Highway 3 when you are going to the other side of the city. Looking to sell your home in Ridgewood Heights? Contact us for a free evaluation. Looking to buy in Ridgewood Heights, or would you like to be made aware of upcoming homes in the area? Sign up for our listings notifications.