Legacy Ridge & Hardieville

Here is a list of the homes in Legacy Ridge and Hardieville. Hardieville is a residential neighbourhood in the northwest quadrant of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. It is located north of Scenic Drive North and west of 13 Street North. It borders Legacy Ridge and Uplands to the southeast. Hardieville was a hamlet until it was annexed by the city of Lethbridge. Homes in Legacy Ridge were built starting in 2006 and 2007. The streets in Legacy Ridge are all named after early pioneer women who contributed to the development of Lethbridge. (Mildred Dobbs, Haru Moriyama, Jesse Robinson, Thyrza Burkitt, Edith Emma Coe, Alice Birch, etc). St. Teresa of Calcutta School is located in Legacy Ridge (Catholic education up to grade 6). Legacy Regional park is also nearby.
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